Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving, part 1

We had a great, busy, travel-full Thanksgiving!

Unfortunately, it started out with this... courtesy of a nice 18 wheeler. I just want to mention that this windshield is not even six months old...

We started our Thanksgiving Day with a little stroll out to see some horses with Grandmother & Grandaddy.

Another favorite at Grandmother's house...

Kate in her Thanksgiving best.

A little Thanksgiving family pic...

Also, I just want to mention that KG and I had to make a late Wednesday night run to Old Navy since we got to WO with no jackets of any kind for the girls. Oops. But these were adorable anyway. And $7.

And before long, it was time for cousin Thanksgiving fun at Grandmommy's house!

Kate in all her horse riding glory... minus her skirt.

Kyler managed to keep her skirt on, and added someone's hat.

And just look at this group!!! I love all the little cousins in this family, and we were actually missing several! Still, fun times with the ones who could make it!

These two girls seem to always get to hold my little girls in group pics... they are such sweethearts.

My girls are lucky because they have three older cousins in this group that are soooo, so sweet to them. It is just precious.

Mac & Kyler... just helping themselves to a snack in Grandmommy's fridge.

Settled on oranges...

So, that night a couple of the older cousins and I decided to check out this night of Thanksgiving shopping situation. I was blown away. I've never really been able to do it, and it was an experience! It was a really fun evening out seeing all the craziness!

The next morning we spent some time playing outside on the tractor...

And some time with Grandmother...

And then we were off to Gville for Thanksgiving, part 2...

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