Where does the time go? You are both growing so much... I just can't believe how far you've come already from those tiny little babies.
You've both been a little bit sickly the last few weeks... low grade fever, stuffiness. Breaks my heart. And we made two trips to urgent care... because your mother is a bit paranoid. I'm pretty sure when I told your pediatrician about it at your 4 month appointment, she thought I was crazy, but oh well. I was worried, I always am and that probably will never change. Your dad is making me work on being calmer when you are sick... I'm trying, but it is hard. Your Grandmother reminded me that I don't need to worry so much because God is taking care of you both, always. Seemed so obvious, but we all need a reminder every now and then.
You both had shots at your appointment this month, and did NOT like them. The shots at your 2 month did not warrant the cries like this round did. KM, you screamed, but quickly settled down once we held you. EK, my vocal baby, you did NOT like the shots, and wanted to be sure that we knew you didn't like them... for a while after you had them. Poor little bugs.
You are both getting stronger and it is so exciting. KM, we like to let you spend some time in the exersaucer... its still a little big, but you are getting better. You only seem to grab the most boring toy though (in my opinion, and you grab it almost every time). EK, you have a love of the playmat. You both do actually, but we got it when we saw how much you loved it at daycare. Ours at home has a big pink bird that sings songs when it is pulled. Each of you can pull it occasionally and make it sing, and I get so excited when you do (way more excited than either of you do).
We TRY to do tummy time... KM, you tolerate it longer than EK, but you both just get so mad. The doctor said more tummy time, so I guess we will be torturing you more in the coming weeks. The bumbo is old news and you both sit in it so well, but for a limited time. We are going to work on getting you both strong because I am excited for you both to learn to sit. For now, you both think you are too much of a big girl to lay down much, but it's hard for us to hold you sitting up all day every day. :)
We have spent a lot of time at home lately. After so much traveling when you were little bitty and with the holidays, we have tried to get into a routine for us. And its been nice. We get to go for walks around the neighborhood, which you both love. And actually, being outside is the greatest thing to both of you. We usually end our day (around 5-630) outside on the back porch for happy hour. We bring out the bouncy chairs, Molly runs around the yard, and we all hang out. Sometimes there is singing, sometimes you both sit in our laps, but it is the place where you are both happy. And now that the weather is getting nicer, we do this almost every single night.
Weight: 14 pounds, 4 ounces
Length: 25"
Head Circumference: 15.75"
You have been spitting up so much lately, and the doctor told us we were feeding you too much, so instead of the current 6-6.5 ounces, you are going back down to 5.5 ounces. And we are going to be adding in cereal now, too! When you get that bottle in your mouth, you lay back, arms and legs still, and just relax completely.
You have decided to make us really work for a smile. I think it is because you haven't been feeling too well, but the last few weeks you have been stingy with those big smiles I love. I'm ready for you to feel better.
KM-Bug, you are still the one that wakes us up in the mornings to eat. You are so sweet with your smiles in the morning when we come in your room. For a little bit... too much messing around and you are over it and want to eat.
You take good naps throughout the day... sometimes you fight going down, but the swing always tricks you. :)
We moved you up to the full size 2 diapers... especially at night.
One more thing... it is AMAZING how much you are like your daddy. I'm overwhelmed by the similarities daily... your looks and your personality. I can't wait to see how it progresses.
Weight: 11 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 24.25"
Head Circumference: 16.25"
You have finally worked your way up to 5-5.5 ounces. So now that we are bringing your sister back down, you will both be at the same amount. And we'll see how you do with the cereal, too! You have definitely become easier to feed and actually eat your bottles. You are still eating a little slower, but you always have your arms and hands moving, trying to hold onto your bottle.
You are still a sweet little monkey... even with fever, you still smile at us. It's so sweet, but makes me feel even worse for you. What a trooper!
The doctor also gave us an all clear on your little head. She felt like it felt great and was healing perfect. Praise God for that!!!
You are still wearing the size 1-2 diapers... I think they are getting a little short for you, but they are still plenty wide enough!
Sometimes I think that you would sleep all morning long if we let you, but your sister wakes us all up. You definitely take your time waking up, but eventually come around. You sleep hard at night, which is good, because you are definitely NOT a napper. Daycare even asked us how we get you to sleep during the day because they struggle with it. I think there is just too much going on for you to be bothered with sleeping!
Things have been so fun, always crazy, but fun. The sickness has thrown us all off a little bit this month, but I'm so excited for warm weather, healthy girls, and our ski trip in the next month!
The world is yours.
I love you.
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