The weather in my neck of the woods:
Hot, but actually with a chance of rain for a couple of days. Of course its 45% humidity around here, too. But I hope it rains! We have some serious cracking going on in our house thanks to the extremely dry ground.
One of my simple pleasures:
Listening to some Texas Country music... ahhh...
On my bedside table:
Fingernail file. I've decided to remove my fake nails... for now at least. And I refuse to go to the salon so they can pull them and my real nails right off.
On my TV:
You know what it is... Bachelorette. Can't wait to watch this week!!!!!!!!!!!
On the menu for tonight:
Omelettes. We have river trip groceries left. I may put some pesto in mine tonight...
On my To-Do List:
Clean off the desk... all that mail from last week is now piled on it.
Give Molly a bath... she had some fun at my Granny's this weekend.
New Recipe I tried last week:
None. But Cristen made these yummy biscuits for breakfast... basically like muffin sausage balls. YUM! And then Diana made a breakfast stromboli, which was also FAB.
In the craft basket:
Update the recipe book... I collect the recipes and never print them out.
Looking forward to:
Being able to sleep on my stomach... (Note to self: next river trip, layer the sunscreen on your stomach.)
Homemaking Tip for this week:
When you make a big batch of sangria for your vacation, don't hide it in the freezer and forget it at home. If it is outta sight, it is outta mind.
Favorite Blog Post of the week:
Because who doesn't LOVE Ranch Dressing...
Favorite photo from last week:
Me and my sweet on the river...
Lesson learned the past few days:
All you really need to have a great weekend is a tube to float in, friends to laugh with, and tunes to intertube-dance to.
On my Prayer List:
being thankful
1 comment:
I'm so jealous- I wanna go tubing!
Have you ever had a salon soak your fake nails off? I've never had them pull them off (eek)- instead I sat for like 20 minutes with my hands in some liquid stuff, and when they came off my real nails were fragile (from being ground down) but still there (and long!).
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