Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I kept a livejournal in college.

It was mainly a way to keep up with friends, but thanks to Skits, I just remembered it and started looking over it. I started it in September of 2000 and my last entry was in June of 2006.

It's comical really.

And sometimes extremely vague... so much so, that I don't even know what I was talking about! But I am so glad I had it because there were so many things that I would have never remembered without it!

And so I may start updating here more often/randomly. Because in 10 years, it will be really fun to go back and read what my life was like... especially the totally normal, everyday stuff.

1 comment:

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

I don't think I've heard of a "livejournal". It's a good idea, though. I think what keeps me from keeping a journal anymore is that it takes SO LONG to write everything out. I'm so much faster at typing!