Wednesday, December 19, 2012

a Twin Mom night out...

So a couple of my twin mom friends and I went out on the town. None of these ladies actually went to A&M, but they have all ended up here in CS for some reason or another. The best part of this... taking them to all the fun "college" places during Christmas break! And we hit up most of them tonight! But only a few pics..

Bottle Cap Alley...

At P-tar's for a Flaming Dr. Pepper...
{SS & Laura}

{Gini & Michelle}

We wrapped up the night at Murphy's Law... not really a place from my college days, but fun nonetheless!

These ladies have been fantastic getting to know and hanging out with. And I love out little twin group... it makes some days so much easier when you have a group that knows EXACTLY what you are dealing with!!!

And this will be the last "fun" post of our Christmas season... because in just a day we will all be sick. YAY.

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