Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas... just the 4 of us

Today after the girls woke up from their afternoon nap, we had our little family Christmas. Santa had a few things for the girls he wanted them to have before we left for our extended family Christmas', and I brought out some of the birthday gifts we hadn't opened yet as well!

Their main gift was a princess castle tent. They were a little unsure at first, but warmed up pretty quickly. When they first walked out of their room, EK just kept pointing at it. Silly girl.

KG helped Santa out when he found these little wands with Disney princesses on them. They have a little button and the wand lights up and plays a little tune when you push it... which both girls can do and really like to do. The wands were a hit!

The girls also got a plastic cow and pig that make the animal sound when you push their buttons. We already have a lion and a tiger, and these were a huge hit... especially the cow since just this weekend the girls started saying "moo."

They also got some pajamas and two movies (Dumbo and Beauty & the Beast).

After presents, KG had made us a delicious dinner... a recipe he found my one of my Southern Living magazines (a cornbread chicken dressing). The girls were only semi impressed... they were just ready to get back down and play!

It was a fun evening to celebrate with our little girls. I can't wait for many, many more Christmases to come with my little family!

Maybe one of the best parts of the day... since Santa delivered the girls gifts early this year, he didn't have time to put them together, so KG had to help him out this year. I thoroughly enjoyed this... Molly wasn't so sure.

Some of the presents...
Finished project!!
Little girls awake from their nap... KM always needs a little more time to wake up, so it was a little bit of a rough start for her!
{EK stripes, KM dots}

KG had to comfort KM for a little bit...
Magic wands!!!
This girl LOVED playing with this house... and she still does. I'm amazed at how long she sits and plays with it. (This was actually a birthday gift we hadn't opened yet...)
KG trying to show the girls their princess castle...
Finally, they got it and LOVED it. Santa knew just what he was doing. The best move now is the head dive into the castle windows...
Even I got in the castle to play with my little princesses...
And this is just the beginning!!!!

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