The girls went down for a nap pretty quickly at the end of the party. Then those amazing grandmothers helped me clean up! By the time the girls woke up, we had everything pretty much clean!
And it was play time…
YaYa & Pappy also got the girls this car... it is adorable and covered in princess "stuff." And they can push it. EK can even ride it.
And it was play time…
YaYa & Pappy also got the girls this car... it is adorable and covered in princess "stuff." And they can push it. EK can even ride it.


{EK & KG}

{KM & KG}

The pink dinosaurs are from Mammas... she sent them in the mail, and I kept them wrapped up until party day!

So many new presents!!!
The little cars are from some family friends (the Browns) who came down for the party!
{KM left, EK right}

{EK & the pink dinosaur}

Sweet little KM... she's such a snuggler, and YaYa got some loves.

EK managed to smuggle her daddy's phone...

And KM played with her new toy pull phone...
(KG thinks it is kind of funny because it is likely that our girls will never see a phone with a dial like that in real life!)

Obviously, she had to give her daddy his phone back and she confiscated the toy...

They love the princess car!

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