Thursday, May 12, 2011


My loves,

SEVEN MONTHS! Wow. We have made it past the 1/2 year point. Some days I wasn't sure we would.

I can't even put into words how much fun you both are... and I can't get enough of your sweet laughs and smiles... especially the ones that are just for me.

This month both of you have started to show signs of some separation anxiety... it makes me sad for you, but it also makes me feel like you both really know that I am your mom. I really noticed it when we went on vacation with YaYa & Pappy. You both warmed up quickly to them, but there were times when you just wanted me... secretly, I loved that.

Officially, you are both little sitters... but still pretty wobbly. On vacation we tested out some shopping cart riding, and you both did pretty well. Once you get a little better/more stable at sitting, we will move on up to the big girl car seats!

This month was Mother's Day... appropriate because I think I'm finally starting to feel like I am your mom. And most of that is due to the both of you. I know that you do best when I am home with you, and the reaction I get from each of you, just makes me feel so special.

Oh my little bug! I tear up just thinking about your cute little smile. And when you get excited you squeal and straighten out your arms and legs and it is soooo funny. I especially love it when you see me and do that.

You are becoming a little less interested in eating... bottles and baby food. Sometimes dinner is just a melt down. And all of the fruits that your sister doesn't like, you love. However, you aren't much of a veggie girl. And have no interest in green beans!

You don't get as flustered every time when we walk away like your sister does, but you are a complete momma's girl. If someone else is holding you, you reach for me and smile at me. And you give the best snuggles when I hold you. And you really like to be held these days!

You fight naps, but will eventually give in and fall asleep. And you NEED naps. Specifically the 4-430 time period... if you don't have this nap, making it until bedtime at 630 is almost impossible. You do have the biggest, cutest yawns I've ever seen. I love them.

You are going to be crawling before I know what is happening! You have started pulling those legs up under you... you just don't quite have arm strength to push up yet. But oh, you can scoot backwards... and I think it really frustrates you!

You are such a funny girl... and you love to laugh when we tickle you. I love that. I love your laugh. And you smile at me all the time. I love that. You have the biggest open mouth smile. It is adorable.

You keep me on my toes with your eating! I'm beginning to think that you would rather just eat baby food over a bottle any day. Except fruit... I can't seem to find any fruits that you don't make awful faces at and shiver. Sometimes we give you apples just to watch because it makes your dad and I laugh. We did discover that you really love green beans this month. You seem to like your veggies.

At Easter, you got very flustered and started crying after church in The Grove when everyone wanted to get close and check you & your sister out. Your daddy had to whisk you away to calm you down. And these days, you are completely fine and will play, but the minute your dad or I walk out of the room, it is complete melt down.

Naps. HA! You laugh in the face of naps... or scream and scream until we give up. You tend to take a morning nap, possibly a noonish nap, but NO afternoon naps. Some days you don't nap from 1pm until you go to bed... and amazingly enough, I think you do just fine. You are ready for bed and go right to sleep, but you stay in a pretty good mood throughout the afternoon. I'm totally impressed. And confused. :)

I've always called you a little monkey. Oh how that fits! You use your feet to grab and kick at things just like you use your hands and arms. Your daddy and I laugh about it all the time... especially when we feed you your bottle and you have both hands and feet on the bottle!

I really can't believe you girls are seven months old! Every day I love you both more and more. Just thinking of you makes me tear up... in a I-can't-stand-to-be-away, you-are-so-stinkin-cute, I-love-you-more-than-anything way.

I am so ready for the rest of my life with you two.

The world is yours.

I love you, KM.
I love you, EK.


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