Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SIX Months!!!

My loves,
Oh my goodness. I don't even know where to start. Every day seems like something new. Just when I think I have you both figured out, you do something completely different!!!

We have been working so hard on sitting. You can both do it for a split second and then you topple over. But we'll get there.

The whole family had some serious colds this month. EK had to be on antibiotic her ears, but everyone else was stuffy and coughing. You girls were champs. I know you must have felt bad for a couple of days, but you both just kept on.

This month we gave up daycare completely and now you are at home every day and Miss Kasey comes 3 days a week. It is a much better schedule for all of us and your naps are starting to get better and your routine in general.

You are such a silly girl! You smile ALL. THE. TIME. And big smiles. I love it. You really are a happy baby. You laugh all the time. I can almost ALWAYS get a laugh out of you and it is such a sweet sound.

And you have so many new noises! You grunt all the time... and loudly. It is so funny to hear. But you also will just babble away... and it is so sweet and quiet.

Your new trick is standing while holding our hands. You are SO good at it! Your legs are so strong, and you are so proud when you do it! And you are an exersaucer champ. It lets you stand, and you love playing in it.

You are always rolling over... especially at bed time. And then you just scream. And I know that you know how to roll from your tummy to your back, but you've stopped doing it. And prefer to just scream instead. We have finally quit coming in and turning you back over, and you eventually go to sleep... and sleep good.

You are a champion eater. You've had oatmeal (which you LOVED) and avocado (which you also like). And you always finish your bottles. And you are pretty clean when you eat. You know when to open your mouth for another spoonful, and aren't very patient if we aren't keeping up with you. You have also started grabbing for and trying to pull your bottle to your mouth as soon as you see it! You never used to try to hold it at all, but now you do. It is pretty funny to watch, and sometimes hard to get the bottle in your mouth because you put up a pretty good fight trying to pull it yourself!

You are a complete snuggle bug. I love it. When we hold you, you will turn and nuzzle your head in our shoulder. It is so sweet. You also like to act shy by doing the same thing. If someone talks to you, you will look at them, flash that sweet smile and then turn and bury your little face in our shoulder. CUTE!

You have been a little stinker when it comes to bedtime and naps. You usually cry for awhile. But you take pretty good naps. And we've had some rough night times with you lately. You'll wake up for an hour and cry off and on, but your sister never wakes up. Its quite amazing.

Size 3 diaper
16.35 pounds (61st percentile)

Oh my girl. You have the funniest smile... it is a big open mouth smile every time. I just laugh when I see it. I'm guaranteed to get a smile when I hold you up over my head, but otherwise, I have to work for it. And you seem to be a little ticklish on your legs, and I can usually get some laughs that way!

I'm pretty sure you have learned to scream. You usually do it when you are about to get mad and it is loud. But sometimes it just makes me laugh. You have always been our talker. Some days you wake up talking and never stop!

You absolutely can roll over, but just don't do it often. Maybe because your sister is always rolling over and pretty much on top of you. But you also love the exersaucer... you "jump" in it and sometimes we think you are going to jump right out of it. It is a little scary to see!

You love Molly. And any dog we are learning. You loved Sadie (Uncle Shane & Aunt Crystal's dog). You want to pet and touch Molly so bad, but she's pretty scared of you. Sadie came right up to you and licked your hands and feet and you just giggled the whole time. Anytime Molly gets close, your eyes lock on her. And if she happens to get really close, you turn into a giggle girl. It is so fun to watch how intrigued you are with her. Maybe you are our little animal lover.

You like to be held. All the time. You are happy forever is someone is holding you! At the same time, you are such a wiggler. Your arms and legs never stop moving. I can't imagine how hard it will be to keep up with you when you start crawling and walking!

You have picked up eating from a spoon pretty quick. But only when you want to. Just like your bottles. You only eat what you want. Sometimes that worries me... especially when you hardly eat and I know it isn't enough. But you are getting better. You were NOT interested in rice cereal (but it tastes like cardboard, so who would be), but you are more interested in oatmeal. At least you were at first, then we went through a week where you did NOT want it. But you LOVE avocado. You eat it all and don't make the yucky face at it like you did with rice and oatmeal. And now you will even finish with some oatmeal after the avocado.

You are such a sound night sleeper. And you will take a good morning nap, but once the afternoon hits, forget about it. You are not napping. Sometimes we can trick you and get a nap in the swing, but that's about it.

Size 2 diaper, and we had to switch to the sensitive ones.
13.23 pounds (8th percentile)

I love you both so much. Some days are tough, but everyday is getting better and better. We have a BUSY next six months, so I'm sure it will fly by, but I am doing my best to treasure every moment, smile and snuggle I can get.

The world is yours.

I love you.


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