Thursday, April 28, 2011

6 month doctor

Today we finally had our six month check-up. We actually went to a new doctor (part of the same practice, but in a different location). I was happy with our old doctor, but I like this one, too... he's just a little more convenient.

So, both girls were good! He was happy with them both. He even suggested adding some meat to their diet... we may wait a little longer though. The each got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. Never fun, but they do pretty good. By the time the day was up, we ended up giving them both some Tylenol. And they took longer naps also, but were there little normal sweethearts otherwise.

Here's the break down...

Sweet baby girl did so good... let the doctor mash and poke and look in her ears and eyes and mouth without much of a fight. The dr did suggest taking her off of the prevacid for a couple of days to see how she does. She got her shots after EK and she cried, but was easily calmed with some cuddling. Poor little thing was worn out and almost asleep before we got to the car!

Weight: 17lbs, 2ozs (64th %)
Length: 26.75" (75th %)
Head Circumference: 17.2" (77th %)
Heart rate:

Both girls loved tearing the paper on the exam table...

This little girl put up a little more of a fight. She does NOT like having her ears looked at. It could be us holding her down that is more upsetting, but still... she does NOT like it. She didn't mind anything else, but no ears. And she was squirmy all morning while we were waiting for the doctor! Now, shots... that's another story. I had her go first because I knew she would take a little longer to calm down afterwards, and I was right. I make KG hold them for shots and I don't watch, so I had my back to them. I heard her scream and then she was quiet and I kept thinking... come on baby, let me hear you scream. She finally did... but man, she didn't take a breathe for, well, what seemed like forever. I held her afterwards and I think more than it hurting, she just likes to draw it out... keeps whimpering to let us know that she was hurt. Before we left the dr checked her little head again, and he felt like it was fine... after her little incident.

Weight: 14lbs (9th %)
Length: 25.75" (39th %)
Head Circumference: 17" (64th %)
Heart rate:

This little girl did. not. stop. moving. The WHOLE time...

Again... loving the paper on the table.

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