Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Demand is High

I'm so behind on the blogging, but I will be working on it. In the meantime, I'm just posting a group of random pictures of our new baby girls. Enjoy!!!


Kyler (top) & Kate (bottom)





Kyler & Kate

Kyler & Kate


Adam and Kristen (or doodle for some) said...

Oh Yaaaay for pictures!! They're just so cute and tiny and I can't wait to hold them!!!

Jessim said...

They are so beautiful!

jaymie said...

you have NO IDEA how many times I've thought about y'all and wondered how you were doing. OH MAN I wish I could hide in the car with Adam and Doodle and come!!! You are AMAZINGLY SUPER MOM ALREADY!!! The girls are so beautiful and my heart melts seeing Kyle hold those sweet things. I am so so so so so so happy for y'all. I can't wait to get my hands on those babies and give you a big high five for everything you've done in the last week!!!! Love y'all so much!

Bar 7 Ranch said...


The girls are beautiful! I hope you all are doing well. Let me know if you ever need anything! Keep the pics coming!!


Kyla said...

Kate and Kyler are gorgeous!! I am so happy to see pictures of your precious girls. Way to go mom!! And dad!! I know life feels overwhelming right now...hang in there! The joy these girls will bring will far outweigh the sleep they deprive you of!

Ashley said...

This is really late...but CONGRATULATIONS!!! They are so precious & I'm so happy for you guys! Hope things are going well as you adjust to life as a mommy! Can't wait to see more pictures of your sweet girls!

High Heels and Huntin' Boots said...

How exciting! Congratulations! They are absolutely beautiful! They are so tiny! Hope you're feeling great and adjusting well!