Monday, July 20, 2009

A fun little thing...

What is his name? KG

How long have you been married? 3 years, 8 months, 29 days

How long did you date?
Until engaged = about a year and a half
Until married = two years & a couple of months

How old is he? the big 3-0!

Who eats more? He does usually. But I can occasionally give him a run for his money...

Who said I love you first? He did.

Who is smarter? He is.

Whose temper is worse? Oh, that would be me. I'm not sure he has a temper.

Who does the laundry? I would say about 50/50... as long as I tell him to do it.

Who does the dishes? He does. Always.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do... his side is closer to the door in case he has to protect me in the middle of the night (and yes, I consider things like that).

Who pays the bills? Me.

Who cooks dinner? Me.

Who drives when you are together? He does... unless he guilts me into it, which he sometimes does.

Who is more stubborn? Definitely me... although, he does have a few minor stubborn streaks.

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine.

Who proposed? He did... but he almost waited too long.

Who has more friends? In real life, me. Online gamers, he does.

Who has more siblings? He does.

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