"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful #27
Happy Thanksgiving!
So, I didn't do the best job of being timely in my thankful posts this month (and I think I skipped a couple of days), but still it was another (sometimes much needed) reminder of how blessed my life is and how much I have to be truly thankful for.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful #26
Today, pretty tired from staying up too late with the girls, I am thankful for the half-day that my boss gave us! And thankful that I get to spend my afternoon watching the season finale of Dancing with the Stars before I find out accidentally who won!
UPDATE: I am also thankful for the very yummy chili my mom had for dinner! I love some chili!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thankful #25
I spent the evening at a little wine bar with two newer friends of mine (Heather & Ashley). The place is attached to an art gallery, and it's modeled after an old train depot. Very cute! We had not one, but TWO cheese plates and some olives.
I am thankful for these two ladies. I had a particularly rough day at the office with TOO MANY BOYS! I just needed some girl time. And I barely made it home and they called for a wine night. And I am thankful for that. So is my sanity. :)
I am also thankful I have such a laid-back boss who totally let me skip the basketball game tonight!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thankful #24
What a wonderful day!
Tonight KG and I headed to Temple to see the South Plains Junior College Texans take on the Temple Junior College Leopards. One of our good friends (well, he was KG's roommate before we got married and then I moved in and he moved out... but I think he has moved pass that and we are all friends now... haha), is an assistant coach at South Plains. Of course we drove to Temple to see him in action! It was so fun! I didn't realize how into basketball the Junior College fans were... they also provided some nice entertainment for us! But I was so impressed by Coach Josh. He was in his jacket and tie and totally on top of his game. I always knew that there were "plays" in basketball, but I never really gave it much thought (probably because I never played), but Josh knew them all! When there was an in-bounds play, he would yell out to his player who was guarding the one that was going to get the ball. I was totally fascinated by that! He was always right! It was a great experience... and we just don't get to see Josh enough anymore, so KG and I were so happy to get to see his team.

After the game, we were pretty hungry, so we drove into downtown Temple and found this little place called Pignetti's. It was very Italy-esque. KG ordered this pork chop topped with a blue cheese sauce and stuffed with couscous. It may have been the most amazing thing I have ever eaten. My lasagna was great, but all I can think of is the couscous. YUM. So, if you are ever in Temple...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thankful #23
After a crazy weekend, I am really thankful for just being able to be lazy. And thankful for a BFF (KG) who will be lazy with me! :)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thankful #22
Today I am thankful for the fun day I had shopping with my mom. We got up and KG and I took her to our favorite breakfast place, Mi Cocina. Afterwards, we went into downtown Bryan to a cute little place called Old Bryan Marketplace. I bought my first Christmas present of the season! Once we left there, we dropped KG off at the house... he had enough of the shopping. Then my mom and I went all over town! We were mainly looking for house decor for her. We ended up getting ALOT of stuff at Hobby Lobby and I will have flower arrangements to make over Thanksgiving! We had a good day... and it was fun to shop with my mom again. We used to spend many a Saturday's doing just that and I had missed it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thankful #21
My mom came to CS to see us tonight. I had to get to the Aggie basketball game, but KG waited at the house for her to get in town and then they rode up to the game together. I am thankful that my hubby is so sweet to my family. And I am thankful that my parents love my sweet husband. And I am thankful that they get along. So many people aren't that lucky and I can't imagine the strain it would put on a marriage.
Also, I am thankful for the bucket of popcorn my mom and I shared for our dinner at the game tonight! It was yummy!

(This picture is from a rodeo my fam all went to before Kyle & I were married... July 2005)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thankful #18
Today I am being crazy.
I mean, who is really thankful for their job? Well, I am (at least I am today). :) I mean, who gets free season football tickets and season basketball tickets to their alma mater? Well, I do. And I am thankful for that. It's so fun. That's it. It's just that fun.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Thankful #17
Today is my parent's 29th wedding anniversary. I am thankful for the example they set for me by their love and commitment to each other. And I wish they could spend the day together, but it is just another example of the strength of their marriage over the last 29 years!

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thankful #16
Short & sweet... I am thankful for lazy mornings and yummy breakfasts and fabulous friends and fun weekends.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thankful #15
Today the Aggies got blown out by Baylor. And while the final score was 21-41, the 4th quarter started with us down 7-41. Uhhh-gggly. And something tells me the two sophomore girls that were sitting behind me would NOT have done a better job than our current quarterback... even though they seemed to think they could. Granted, it wasn't the best game for this QB... I believe at one point KG yelled "Sub yourself in, McGee!" (McGee being our senior QB who got hurt, is no longer hurt, and has been replaced.) To which the surrounding Aggie fans agreed with him... while I buried my face into Monay's shoulder, hoping that no one would see me. :)
So, what could I be thankful for today? Even though the Ags were less than stellar, I am still glad we went to the game. I had a great day. I am thankful I got to spend the day with KG, and one of my very best friends (even though she is a Baylor grad). And even though we lost, I was reminded how fun football games can be and how much I really love going to games... for that experience, I am thankful. I needed the reminder.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thankful #14
Today KG and I headed to Gatesville to spend the weekend. Mo and Brad are coming down from Dallas to go to the Baylor game with us, and I am so excited to be able to spend the weekend at my parent's house (although, I really wish my dad was here).
And today I am thankful that I always have a place I can go back to and call home. There is just something so comforting being at my parent's house, back in the place I grew up.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful #13
Today we are headed to Dallas to celebrate with Kyle's family. And I am thankful to be included in such a wonderful, loving family.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thankful #12
Today was a rough day at work. And today was a rough day for KG at work. But when I came home, my sweet hubby warmed up some Gluhwein (fab spiced hot red wine from Germany) and we sat down at the kitchen table and chated about the stressful day we both had... and amazingly enough, it made it all not so stressful. It was relaxing and comforting. And I was reminded once again what a loving husband I have... and I am so very thankful for that!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thankful #11
Today I am thankful for scrapbooking. A little silly, but it is another way I escape... kinda like XBOX for KG. I can sit at the computer and play all evening long... and the best part is that I get to relive all the wonderful memories! I am currently working on our Italy scrapbook... and yes, I realize it has taken me a long time, but I have so much fun doing one page, and then the next and then going back and changing the first one! It may be my perfectionist tendencies coming out, but it is still something I completely enjoy. And I am thankful for hobbies I enjoy. And just for fun... one of my Venice pages...

(Pieces from the Shabby Princess Festival Kit & Microferk Designs Get Wrapped Vol. 1 Kit.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thankful #10
Ok. It's not cold today, but it is a LITTLE bit cooler. And it rained and was dreary outside today. So, in our house... that means... SOUP FOR DINNER!!! And I love having soup for dinner when it's "cold" outside. I am thankful for my sweet hubby going with me to Dollar General to get black beans and corn so we could have Taco Soup for dinner. And I am very thankful for the Taco Soup. YUM!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thankful #9
Today I am thankful that some things never change. I got to spend the afternoon with one of my very best friends. Her life is busy. My life is crazy. We only live an hour and a half apart, but somehow we hadn't managed to see each other in MONTHS. But today we got to hang out, eat Mi Cocina (she is my original Mi Cocina buddy), shop and talk alot. And the craziest thing happened... several times even. As I was trying to finish my thought or sentence, she would say exactly what I was saying at the same time! That seems crazy and probably a little silly, but like I said... it's been MONTHS since we've been able to hang out. And it was comforting to me. And I am thankful that some things never change. :)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thankful #8
Today the Aggies played OU. It wasn't much of a game.
But I love the football game at Kyle Field that falls close to Veteran's Day. During pre-game, they took a moment and asked everyone who had ever served our country to stand.
I remember looking up...
toward the student section where everyone always stands, and they sat.
toward the alumni side on the west, and there were many who stood.
and behind me in the Zone, and still more stood.
And I was proud and moved and thankful. And I will be forever thankful for experiences like that and chances to honor those who have defended my freedom.
But I love the football game at Kyle Field that falls close to Veteran's Day. During pre-game, they took a moment and asked everyone who had ever served our country to stand.
I remember looking up...
toward the student section where everyone always stands, and they sat.
toward the alumni side on the west, and there were many who stood.
and behind me in the Zone, and still more stood.
And I was proud and moved and thankful. And I will be forever thankful for experiences like that and chances to honor those who have defended my freedom.

This picture is from the Army game back in September... but it went with my mood.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thankful #7
I am thankful for something in particular today, but it's going to take me a bit to get to it. Today was one of the last days for one of our interns. He's been offered a job within our company, but at a different school.
I remember what it was like to be an intern... it hasn't been THAT long ago. You always get the really awful jobs that no one really wants to do, but you're the intern, so its your job. I think it is really awesome when you find those people who don't utter a complaint. They see the big picture. An internship is just a starting off point and they realize that keeping the fridge stocked with cokes won't always be their job. But I think you can tell alot about a person professionally by the way they react as an intern. Our intern was good like that. And he did a great job for us. And he made everyone's job a little bit easier.
So, today I am thankful for people who do their job, do it well, keep a positive outlook and as a result, make everyone else's job/life a little easier.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful #6
I'm not sure if this is something I should really be thankful for, but I am. And I am going to admit it. I am thankful for Grey's Anatomy... and Days of Our Lives... and Dancing with the Stars. I love those shows. And it seems silly, but they are a way for me to relax. I look forward to coming home and watching my TIVOed shows... no commercials, no interuptions... just me, my futon and my sweatshirt blanket. And I enjoy it.
I am thankful for TV shows and my quiet time to relax and not think!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thankful #5
YAY! It's time for Aggie basketball. I've become a huge college basketball fan over the last couple of years. I mean, I've always enjoyed it, but I am so excited for this season to start! And tonight KG and I went to the exhibition game. It was fun to be in Reed Arena again... and I can't wait for the season to actually start!
Today I am thankful for Aggie Basketball season tickets and the start of the season!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thankful #4
Today I am thankful for my girlfriends. There are a couple of gals that mean the world to me and after just a phone call to catch up, I feel like all is right again. I am a quality over quantity gal... I don't need a ton of friends, just a special few that are always there. And I am completely thankful to have those wonderful women in my life! Just thinking about them and all the fun times we've shared makes me smile.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thankful #3
I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my sweet husband. When I got home from work tonight I told him we needed to do something fun for the evening. So we went to Specs and then he let me drag him to the mall to look at puppies. Then we went to dinner at Boston's. It was a fun night together, even though we both got a little car sick from the rental HHR!
I remember wishing so much for nights that we could just hang out together during the week, and I am thankful that now that is a reality for us.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Thankful #2
Today I am thankful for Sundays. During the fall, they are my day to recharge... some times the only day of the week I don't have to work, and I completely enjoy them.
This morning we had breakfast at the house with friends, watched football, played on the computer... nothing terribly active, and so relaxing.
I am thankful for days like these.
This morning we had breakfast at the house with friends, watched football, played on the computer... nothing terribly active, and so relaxing.
I am thankful for days like these.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thankful in November
I have seen this on several blogs and since it has been a challenging fall for me, I decided to write about one thing I am thankful for each day until Thanksgiving.
So, for the first day... I am thankful that my Aggies pulled off a win. This season has been hard and pretty hopeless (in my mind), but they won today. And I realized... as a team, we have actually come a long way since the start of the season. That's what Sherman promised... I heard him say it many times... we will be better each week than we were the one before. And so I have hope, for next season at least... and for that, I am thankful.

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